Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What is Kinesiology. Kinesiologist. Kin.

Chances are you either know someone who has studied Kin, have seen a Kinesiologist yourself, or you’ve never heard of this. So what IS Kinesiology?? Simply, it is the study of human movement. And a Kinesiologist is someone who has completed a Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology and is a practicing member of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists (BCAK) and/or the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance (CKA). This means that your Kinesiologist has spent 4 years studying how the body functions and moves, and has become a specialist in movement and corrective exercise. Kinesiologists can help you by developing a specific exercise program to correct movement patterns when faulty movements are causing pain. For example, someone who suffers from chronic back pain may benefit from Kinesiology treatments by improving posture and core endurance, while helping to eliminate movements that may be causing pain. How would you know if movements are causing pain? Ask yourself, ‘Do I have better and worse days?’ If the answer is YES, then some movements or postures that you make are aggravating and easing your pain. A Kinesiologist can help you figure out what movements aggravate and eliminate or modify these movements! Seeking the advice of a Kinesiologist is also beneficial for individuals who are looking to increase their activity levels but may have a previous injury or may be unsure of how to exercise safely. While many Kinesiologists also work with athletes, anyone can benefit from Kinesiology treatment, and we welcome everyone to come see our Kinesiologists! No referral required! Come see: Courtney Perrson in Guildford and Langley Jamie Masaro in Guildford Marissa Joel in Burke Mountain and New Westminster Diana Doan in Coquitlam

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